WoTSpoilers is a podcast hosted by Seth and Aradiapedia that rereads the Wheel of Time with full spoilers.

Aradiapedia has found her voice and confidence through podcasting about this special interest, and in so doing has stumbled into acceptance of themselves as an AuDHD person. She is now a student Peer Support Coach seeking to provide community and education to fellow neuro-divergent members of the Wheel of Time fandom.

  • When: Thursdays at 1pm Pacific Time (90 minutes)
  • Where: online (Zoom)
  • Facilitator: Aradiapedia of WoTSpoilers
  • Cost: free

Welcome, fellow lover of The Wheel of Time who is exploring their neurotype! Scroll down to register for upcoming Peer Support discussion circles.

NOTE: you do NOT have to be formally diagnosed or even confident in a self-diagnosis to join the group! This group is for anyone and everyone who feels any kind of resonance with Autism, ADHD, and other similar types of neurodivergence. If you are on the fence, this could be a perfect place to explore more information.

The Wheel of Time fandom is a creative and kind group of people. Over the years we have formed strong bonds, organized our own events to connect at, and manifested personas out of our shared love of the Wheel of Time books. And within that, some of us have come to realized that we are Autistic, ADHD, and other flavors of neuro-divergence that are flocking together with ever increasing joy. Talking together about our unique lived experiences has been a repeated cathartic process for many of us.

From experience I know that we have had a lot of interesting conversations in the broader WoT community about feeling “different” as we grew up, and as a bonus we have a shared palate of reference material for analogies. I hope you will join us in exploring what it means to be Autistic, ADHD, and/or some combination thereof, while also being a Wheel of Time fan.

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